We utilize a direct investment strategy where our team can add value by exercising knowledge, skills, and capabilities that align with the management teams we work with.
We aspire to maximize return on investment in line with expectations and risks. We actively manage diversified portfolios to secure superior performance outcomes.
Our focal point is to initiate direct investments and we pursue ideal investment opportunities where our team can exercise their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to deliver exceptional value to the management teams in companies we invest in.
We provide funding for high-growth companies in the technology, financial services, and consumer sectors, helping companies sustain a competitive advantage by offering funding, equity, and asset-backed investments.
At Matar Investments Group we don’t take funds from investors. We provide our own equity and debt funding, so we are committed to the success of every company we invest in or provide finance to.
Hands-on Approach
We deliver premium skill sets to SMEs. Our experience across various sectors is applied in a hands-on manner, where we actively advise on strategies in order to optimize operational outcomes.
Experienced Team
We have a team and network of experienced industry professionals and we embrace a true partnership approach, where our incentives align with a successful exit in keeping with a target return.
Deal Structuring
We have developed distinct capabilities in negotiating and structuring transactions to SMEs. Our specialty lies in formulating difficult and complex individual deals customized to benefit all key stakeholders. Our solutions are creatively tailored to different situations, flexibly adjusted accordingly.
Risk Mitigation
Our risk mitigation strategy is fully comprehensive, involving establishing the context of the risk, identifying, evaluating, and treating the risk, and tracking and reporting the risk plans.
Business Growth Opportunities
We utilize a similar process for identifying and capturing opportunities that are similarly reported and made actionable. These include things like cost savings and schedule advancement.

Project 1 – Property Development
Matar was approached to provide funding for a residential subdivision project. Matar funded $10.5m USD through Mezzanine Finance secured by a registered mortgage.

Project 2 – HealthTech
Matar provided funding for a HealthTech company that developed a platform and management software for patients with chronic illnesses and invested $2m USD in equity, funding a concept that could revolutionize healthcare and impact countless lives across the globe. This is an ongoing project.

Project 3 – Mining Services
Matar provided a funding line and equipment finance of $5m USD to a quarrying and mining services provider with ongoing contracts to ASX listed company Rio Tinto. The company used the funding to purchase additional plant equipment and fund the expansion of operations for remnant mining services. The investment and advisory provided, enabled the company to significantly expand its operations.

Project 4 – Property Development
Matar funded $12.3m USD for a large scale residential subdivision project to be built in multiple stages over 15 years. The investment is secured by a registered mortgage and ongoing.

Project 5 – Medical Devices
Matar has invested $4m USD into a US based healthcare company which has developed innovative new media device developed to reduce the number of infections in hemodialysis patients with end stage renal disease.
The medical device is patent protected, has successfully completed clinical trials and is currently awaiting FDA approval.